Sunday 20 June 2021

Fatherhood (2021)

I'm not a fan of Kevin Hart but I have to give him credit. He's upped his game with Fatherhood, giving the sort of performance that takes a comic and grows him into a real actor. The film may be on the inspiration porn side of things (think Hart's recent remake of Intouchables, The Upside) but it is elevated by a great cast centred around Hart's strong performance where he balances the humour with the pathos. 

Fatherhood had a lot to overcome for me to embrace it. First Hart himself as I find his style of humour rather... uninspiring. But then there is the premise of the film itself. I struggle to embrace thinking it's funny and or inspiring for fathers to actually parent. I'm of the uncommon belief that fathers can parent and it's not funny to watch them try, and it's not sweet or adorable when they do. It's just as average and a part of life as anyone else parenting. So a movie centred around such a story is a little on the insulting side.

However the film pulls off a minor miracle. Fatherhood finds just the right balance between the funny and the moving in this story about a widowed father raising his daughter despite everyone around him having no faith in him. The film doesn't go overboard on the silliness (no Mr. Mom antics here) instead focusing on a more realistic isn't-parenting-hard kind of commiserating. The film actually explores the pain of his loss and the overwhelming aspects of single parenthood with a finesse and respect I found refreshing. 

Truly the cast is what elevates Fatherhood into being a such an entertaining film. Alfre Woodard is (unsurprisingly) wonderful as his mother-in-law. Melody Hurd joins the pantheon of adorable child actors who steal the show. And Lil Rel Howery and Anthony Carrigan add just the right amount of comic relief allowing Hart to do more of the dramatic heavy lifting which, as I have indicated, he is pretty much up for. 

So while Fatherhood still manages to be a little on the Chicken Soup for the Soul side of things and resolves its central conflicts a bit too easily, it still manages to win you over with just how right it all comes together. Kudos to director Weitz for finding the right mix and pulling it all off. 

Starring: Kevin Hart, Alfre Woodard, Melody Hurd, Lil Rel Howery, Anthony Carrigan, DeWanda Wise, Paul Reiser
Director: Paul Weitz
Writers: Dana Stevens, Paul Weitz

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