Tuesday 22 March 2022

Windfall (2022)

Windfall is self-consciously old school thriller. From the opening, shot as loving homage to Hitchcockian thrillers, to the score done intentionally in the style of a 60s style noir, director McDowell apes the feel and emotion of an old fashioned movie and for me his approach captured the fun feel of the classics I remember watching on TV as a kid.

The film sticks tightly to its story. Rich couple come to their vacation home to find a man robbing it and we watch as they negotiate with each other the terms of him leaving. The script is witty and funny, exposing through their interactions who each character is and giving us a good picture of their back stories. It may fall a little into some predictable character elements but generally remains engaging enough to keep our attention. McDowell is economic in his telling which worked well, keeping the story entertaining and not dragging out what could have gone off the rails. 

The cast is good with Segel mostly playing against type, his usual likeable comic guy, is more desperate and pathetic than you would expect. Plemons stands out as the tech billionaire who is both unlikeable all the reasons you would expect but transcends this with some fascinating characterization as well. Collins as the rational yet frustrated wife is strong as well, creating a darker character that one would assume. The characters might be somewhat familiar but not so much that it felt too obvious.

Windfall is a talky movie, it's basically three people stuck in a situation and talking their way through it. I like talky movies, character studies, and Windfall lived up to what I would want from such a film. The film stumbles a little in the third act with a regrettable addition of a fourth character that ends up being problematic in his disposability. But the ending offers just enough twist (without too much) to make the payoff of the film satisfying. 

Windfall was a bit of a surprise. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. While perhaps it could have been more complex, the film is structured well and delivers on its potential. 

Starring: Jason Segel, Lily Collins, Jesse Plemons, Omar Leyva
Director: Charlie McDowell
Writers: Justin Lader, Andrew Kevin Walker

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