Spoiler alert, this film is about someone dreaming of moving to Medicine Hat. Okay, perhaps is there more to the film than that, but it does put things into perspective doesn't it?
Director Robert Zemeckis has directed some of my favorite films. He has also directed a number of fairly forgettable inconsequential films. Lately he's been on a roll making solid, entertaining films and this little pot boiler is another. The is she or isn't she question is played for just the right amount of suspense. This war time mystery is light but satisfying, even if it does go off the deep end a little by the ending.
Zemeckis' main strength are his visuals. After being blown away by The Walk last year, this guy can take me anywhere. His sex in a sandstorm scene is brilliant. The whole film has a fairy tale, heightened realty feel which makes it somewhat magical. We are being transported. That's the point. It isn't overly deep, complicated, or remarkable. It's just a pulpy story with a lot of good meat to chew on.
The main failing of the film is the lack of chemistry between its stars. The whole plot hangs on the pair being in love and I'm not sure I ever bought it. I think it all could have been more powerful and engaging if we felt the love and weren't just told it was there.
Still, Zemeckis keeps his pacing tight, gives us a lot of great stuff to look at, and weaves a satisfying yarn that is just enough to carry you through. Not his best stuff, but solid. And it ends in a Medicine Hat which appears far more ideal and picturesque than I've ever seen it.
Starring: Brad Pitt, Marion Cotilliard, Jared Harris
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Writer: Steven Knight
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