Sunday, 8 January 2017

A Monster Calls (2016)

We often think of "children's movies" as light hearted affairs as if our children can't handle real world themes. Do we condition our children this way to seek out escapist entertainment instead of films and stories which may have a real impact in our lives? I know for me, many of my favorite memories of films from my childhood involve films which spoke to something in me and didn't just feature cute animals singing songs and making funny jokes.  A Monster Calls is one of those "family films" which will speak to something inside all of us, whether we are children or used to be.

This is the story of a boy dealing with his mother's terminal cancer. It isn't an easy story no matter how you look at it. But it is a beautiful story and one whose triumph lies in its honesty. 
“Your mind will believe comforting lies while also knowing the painful truths that make those lies necessary. And your mind will punish you for believing both.”
A Monster Calls speaks this level of truth and speaks it in a way that a child will absorb it. 

I haven't until now been a fan of director J. A. Bayona. But A Monster Calls has changed all that. His eye here is remarkable. He has told a story which resonates so honestly and done so with incredibly sensitive visuals. This is a triumph both narratively and cinematically  And young actor Lewis MacDougall shows so much promise.  

A Monster Calls is a film which recognizes children are human beings with a full range of emotions and understandings. It will get into some deep places of your emotions and provide some comfort as well as catharsis. And it will do so in one of the most beautiful films you'll see all year. This is a must see, with your child or with your inner child.  

A Monster Calls
Starring: Lewis MacDougall, Sigourney Weaver, Felicity Jones, Liam Neeson
Director: J. A. Boyona
Writer: Patrick Ness

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