Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Kingman the Golden Circle (2017)

The first Kingsman movie was a slight yet enjoyable romp, rather forgettable despite being visually spectacular and the charisma of stars Colin Firth and Taron Egerton. As the sequel was coming I felt it hard to muste excitement for another chapter despite enjoying the first. For me a big part of this has to do with the general irreverence which is a part of the approach the film makers have used. It is all rather tongue in cheek and doesnt take itself seriously. So it is hard to get to serious about loving this franchise. However the film remained enjoyable so why not go back to the well a second time?

After seeing the sequel, The Golden Circle, I still feel similarly. While once again enjoyable, the film remains rather forgettable and disposable. The film is funny with an entertaining and straight forward enough story to not be bored, but does it offer anything other than a good time? Sure that is good enough for most and I am not complaining but I am also not jumping up and down for the next chapter.

The film isn’t spoof yet borders on it, never quite committing to being full on ridiculous but never quite committing to its story for us to buy in. This is more disposable action/comedy which has its place and can be enjoyable. Mostly this is especially when it is walking that thin line the most successfully such as having Elton John in full Elton regalia beating up bad guys. The film fails mostly when its trying to build pathos (Eggsy’s pretty pathetic love story).

So looking for cheep thrills? Golden Circle is your ticket.

Kingsman the Golden Circle
Staring: Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Halle Berry, Mark Strong, Channing Tatum, Jeff Bridges, Elton John
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Writers: Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn

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