Sunday, 18 February 2018

Icarus (2017)

Icarus is about doping in sport, with a strong focus on the Olympics. But that is only on one level. It is also about the way a despot can influence the world of sport. But again that's only looking at the surface. In reality, Icarus is a well laid out demonstration of the way that Putin and his corrupt government can influence global politics at all levels. Watching Icarus may make you loose faith not only in the Olympics and other global sport events, but in the security of the world when such power is being exploited.

Director Bryan Fogel takes a systemic and thorough look at the way despotic governments can influence the world around them by using the lens of sport. The implication is clear in how much control certain actors can have in all areas of global politics. Fogel lays out his argument quite clearly, starting with the rather inert feeling world of cycling. But from there he moves on to explore the terrifying dilemmas facing those who attempt to speak out.

And in the end it takes us to a frightening conclusion, in this ear of investigation into Russian meddling in the elections of the United States. It's a wake up call and a fairly clear one.

Director: Bryan Fogel

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