Saturday, 2 February 2019

The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)

Well this is not the film I was expecting from the director who brought us Attack the Block and helped write Hot Fuzz and Ant-Man. While I didn't mind The Kid Who Would Be King, it has none of the originality of those films, none of the style. The Kid Who Would Be King has a very 80s family movie adventure feel to it.

I enjoy films which mix in Arthurian legend so that sustained me through this story, a story which follows a very classic story structure set around those legends. While it is completely fine the way it is, writer director Joe Cornish finds no way to make this film stand out. It doesn't even have the feel of a film maker tapping into his love of the mythology. Instead it just feels like a simple adventure based on popular stories.

And there is nothing wrong with that. I wasn't bored and generally the audience was entertained. I guess I always just ask what makes any specific film special an unique and I couldn't find anything here to make it stand out. Not even it's connection to the Camelot stories.

So as standard disposable entertainment it is completely fine. But as the follow up to the film maker behind Attack the Block it feels like a downer. And as a chance to play in the world of Arthurian mythology it feels like a missed opportunity.

I will give credit to the fun performances of Angus Imrie and Patrick Stewart as zany Merlin. That was a bright spot in the movie. You might find yourself making hand gestures to double your money if you aren't careful. 

So basically it's fine. It is just fine.

The Kid Who Would Be King
Starring: Louise Ashbourne, Tom Taylor, Patrick Stewart, Rebecca Ferguson, Angus Imrie, Dean Chaumoo, Rhianna Doris
Writer/Director: Joe Cornish

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