Thursday, 14 March 2019

Triple Frontier (2019)

I truly enjoy stories which explore a deconstruction of our understandings of heroism. We have hundreds of years of history of hero narratives, so when we look at tearing that apart to explore how complicated human beings are and how the way we build up heroes can be problematic, there is a rich area to be mined there. Triple Fontier looks at a group of men, the kind that are often painted as heroes, and asks us to see them somewhat differently. But while it flirts with this idea it doesn't have the boldness to take it all the way. But as it goes forward it gives us an interesting adventure story which does make us question some of what we're used to in these sorts of stories.

Director J.C. Chandor has made some films which peaked my interest but never completely grabbed me and Triple Frontier falls squarely in that category. It starts out strong, setting up the kind of guns and testosterone action we recognize easily, but then starts to make us see the characters self-destruct a bit as their "mission" goes off course. They make some terrible choices and things don't go as we would hope. Chandor films some tight and engaging action and throughout I was taken with it.

I think where it let me down is the ending. The film offers a redemption that didn't feel 100% honest. But it's a minor complaint. I still enjoyed the film more than I thought I would. The cast is strong (except Charlie Hunnam who is bad in everything he's in) and despite my usual lack of interest in soldiers-on-a-mission movies. It gives us some interesting things to think about and despite the ending being a bit pat it remained satisfying.

Triple Frontier
Starring: Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Pedro Pascal, Garrett Hedlund
Director: J.C. Chandor
Writers: Mark Boal, J.C. Chandor

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