Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Rambo Last Blood (2019)

Oh my God this film is boring. At less than an hour and a half it is a snooze fest where people spout platitudes for a while until they finally get into some action. It takes a while to get going and once it does it just overdoses on gore. It feels like they just had ideas for over the top action sequences and didn't quite know what to do with the rest of the run time.

You could get into the way the film infantalizes women, sterotypes Mexicans, and sets up men to be the protectors. Men can't be good the film posits, they can either use their evil to overcome worse evil or be the worse evil. It's a sick and twisted view of the world but really audience lapping up this stuff don't like to think about stuff. They just want their action and have it justified in simplistic terms so there really isn't much reason to deconstruct all that is ethically irresponsible about Rambo Last Blood.

It's hard to believe the man who makes the Rocky/Creed films also makes the Rambo films.

Rambo Last Blood
Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Paz Vega, Yvette Monreal
Director: Adrian Grunberg
Writers: Matthew Cirulnick, Sylvester Stallone

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