Monday, 23 March 2020

Into the Grand Canyon (2019)

I haven't been to the Grand Canyon since I was a child. My perceptions of it are likely not based in much reality. I imagine hiking through the Canyon as a leisurely trail through a fairly touristy national park. I also imagine the park to be completely commodified. Watching Into the Grand Canyon showed me just how far off my imagination was.

Film maker/photographer Peter McBride convinced his friend to hike the canyon with him. There is no trail meaning the two had to scale cliffs, walk along ridges, and traverse some very difficult terrain. The adventure of walking the "trail" which is almost as long as the state of California based on the twists and turns you are forced to take is a rigorous trek which, as a film, is completely captivating. McBride captures the true adventure of it all making his film so deeply compelling.

Then he focuses on the issues surrounding the Canyon. He explores the different ways competing interests are working to exploit the canyon in different ways. He isn't unbiased. He definitely takes a position, but the discussions and differing points of view remain as fascinating as the hike.

All of it comes together in a very enjoyable and compelling watch which will open your eyes to a whole new way of understanding this land mark, one famous for being a cliche. Perhaps this is a chance to see it a new for the first time.

Into the Grand Canyon
Director: Peter McBride

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