Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Wham! (2023)

While I am a huge fan of George Michael I admit I know much less about his Wham! days than his solo career. Watching the documentary from film maker Smith was fascinating. It is about a star on the rise, the everymanish nature of Michael as he transforms into one of the 80s/90s biggest pop stars and the grace by which Wham!'s other member, Ridgeley, bows out of the spotlight.

Smith almost exclusively uses archiver footage and former interviews of Michael along with some new audio commentary from Ridgeley to tell the story of first generation Britons who push their way on to the pop charts. Much of the film really frames the Wham! years (3 albums only) as a warm up band to the real show, Michael's hugely successful solo career, but finds a way to celebrate what was done int eh 1982-1986 period as well. It ends up being a fascinating study of these men, one of whom became a legend and another who faded into a more private, if still very privileged life. 

The story of Wham! doesn't feel like many other bands out there. sure there are a plethora of pop groups who start out strong and split up to see the lead singer build a successful solo career while others flounder. But this specific version feels unique and Smith finds a way to showcase this, being equally respectful to each of the parties and the paths they chose. 

Starring: George Michael, Andrew Ridgeley
Director: Chris Stmih

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