Set in a near future world where the division between poor and rich has become more stark, The Kitchen is the portrait of two people who come together after too long apart and must navigate all the emotions that come with that. I don't want to say too much about who they are or what their situation is because the tale of that is part of the film's strength. The Kitchen is smart while wearing its heart on its sleeve. The Kitchen lays bare the emotions of separation while also focusing on the very real world lived evils of class segregation.
Robinson and Bannerman make a great combo and play off each other well. The film relies on their performances to truly reach its potential and they rise to the occasions. I was not familiar with either until now and I will be watching to see what they do next.
The Kitchen doesn't overplay its slightly sci-fi gimmick and instead uses it to tell a story that feels very now. It is touching to see the story play out and gripping from start to end even if the story doesn't carry many surprises along the way. There is a lot of promise in this film for future work by all involved.
The Kitchen
Starring: Kane Robinson, Jedaiah Bannerman
Directors: Kibwe Tavares, Daniel Kaluuya
Writers: Rob Hayes, Joe Murtagh, Daniel Kaluuya
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