Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Boy Kills World (2024)

Boy Kills World is more style than substance. It's flashy direction and campy performances are far more then point than its thinly drawn story and characters. But that's the point; to have fun, somewhat silly, but satisfying little anti-fascist story that establishes a one of a kind world and central character. This is cult film making and if you embrace it, it's a lot of fun. 

Skarsgård is all in with his character "Boy" who is deaf and mute and communicates with the audience through his video game inspired inner monologue. Boy Kills World is very much a fighter style arcade game come to life and Skarsgård transcends this through his truly captivating performance told all though his eyes. I mean the man has eyes that can accomplish so much so he's perfectly cast. The rest of the cast is up for the game too leaning into the camp and over the top quality of the story. The movie scores points for including the legendary Ruhian in a role that is... well I don't want to spoil it. 

It is no surprise that the renowned Sam Raimi is the producer. This film is exactly what one would assume a Raimi acolyte would produce. It exudes the sort of knetic, otherworldly, absurdity that Raimi is known for. So to get into it you have to embrace that sort of aesthetic. While the story is rather one note, it isn't that bad of a note and can be fun if you just run with it. 

Boy Kills World
Starring: Bill Skarsgård, Jessica Rothe, Michelle Dockery, Yayan Ruhian, Sharlto Copley, Famke Janssen, Brett Gelman, H John Benjamin, 

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