Thursday 16 May 2024

The Fall Guy (2024)

Gosling and Blunt are some of the most likeable big Hollywood starts right now and the premise behind The Fall Guy is pure multiplex gold. Injured stuntman gets pulled back into the biz only to get embroiled in the coverup of a crime. It's a simple yet entertaining story with just enough rom-com meets action film energy to make for the kind of light night out that anyone can enjoy. 

I was impressed with just how much the plot managed to be compelling while also focusing on stunt work (I guess this is what you get when your film maker is a former stuntman himself - John Wick creator Leitch). Sure it goes a little over the top, but nothing more than any other big budget tentpole feature. And the action lives up to what we saw in Leitch's Wick work. But The Fall Guy is much cheerier and packs in many more jokes than Leitch's previous films. It's a people pleasing kind of movie in all the right ways. 

It's not just Gosling and Blunt that are having a great time here. Waddingham, Duke, Taylor-Johnson, and Hsu are all relishing their roles and bringing the joy which radiates off the screen. Really The Fall Guy is just the sort of please everyone without condescending too much popcorn flick that should be a blockbuster. It's hard to really slight it for much. 

The Fall Guy
Starring: Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, Hannah Waddingham, Winston Duke, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Stephanie Hsu
Director: David Leitch
Writer: Drew Pearce

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