Monday, 3 March 2025

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy (2025)

The amount I smiled during Mad About the Boy was a lot more than I expected. The Bridget Jones series mostly succeeds due to the sheer likability of the character and Zellweger's charisma and screen presence. I'm not sure I can say Mad About the Boy is a good movie, I have quite a few nitpicks, but I also can't say I didn't enjoy watching it. 

So they kill off Darcy so that Jones is single again, this time raising adorable children in her adorable and messy way. Then they introduce a Darcy substitute in Ejiofor's character who is similarly gruff, handsome, and awkward. But first they distract us with Woodall's young hottie even though it's quite clear that's never going to go anywhere. And they throw in Grant behaving badly (but adorably) as always. 

It doesn't amount to much and there are times that you have to roll your eyes. But damn I laughed and smiled a great deal. Zellweger really is so appealing in this role even when very little is happening that I forgave the film most of its faults and just let myself sit back and enjoy it. 

So why not? 

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
Starring: Renée Zellweger, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Leo Woodall, Jim Broadbent, Isla Fisher, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, James Callas, Celia Imre, Shirley Henderson, Sally Phillips, Sarah Solemani, Nico Parker
Director: Michael Morris
Writers: Helen Fielding, Dan Mazer, Abi Morgan

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